Thank you and farewell
Dear Friends,
For more than 40 years, the annual Guelph Sexuality Conference (GSC) provided a platform and space for local, national, and international community members and professionals to learn and share their knowledge on topics of sexuality, sexual health, relationships, and identities. The conference supported knowledge translation through thought-provoking and cutting-edge plenary presentations and concurrent sessions, while building community and providing support through networking and social events.
A face-to-face conference in 2020 was not possible due to COVID-19, and unfortunately the same is true for 2021. In consideration of the current context, the GSC Planning Committee has made the difficult and necessary decision to suspend the conference in its current form.
By taking a step back, committee members are hoping to transform how the conference is presented and explore sustainable opportunities that will meet the diverse needs of our communities. In the coming weeks, the GSC team will meet with key stakeholders in public health, and community and national organizations to create a new format for education, activism, professional development, and community building. We are eager to receive any thoughts by email to sexconf@uoguelph.ca.
The community support that has surrounded the GSC for the past 41 years has been invigorating and expansive. We would like to express our deepest gratitude to everyone who made each conference a success (our attendees, volunteers, presenters, plenaries, sponsors, as well as past conference co-chairs and organizing committee members). Over the years we have repeatedly heard from so many about the relationships that have formed, new ideas and initiatives that have been born, and pivotal knowledge that has been gained, while attending the conference. As a committee, we have many happy memories of gathering together every June with new and returning attendees and we hope that you will continue to share these memories with us as we build a future vision of this space and gathering.
When we are able to meet in person, the committee plans to host a farewell celebration to acknowledge the significance this conference has held for so many of us over the years. In the meantime, the sexuality conference community is encouraged to share their memories and farewell messages on the Guelph Sexuality Conference Facebook and Twitter pages.
The GSC looks forward to new opportunities in sexual health education. We plan to continue connecting and engaging with those dedicated to learning about sexual health and creating space for ongoing community and professional building.
We thank you for your support and encourage you to stay tuned for the next chapter.
The Guelph Sexuality Conference Planning Committee
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